Volunteer Application

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Apply to volunteer with Leith Festival

We can't wait to hear from you, fill in the below the best you can. If you have any questions prior to submitting your application please email: office@leithfestival.com
Your name

We want to make sure we have a good understanding of your availability so that we can match you up with the role that best suits both you and the festival.

Let us know how you can help below!
Please advise what volunteering you can assist with:
Select as many as you like!
We are looking at expanding our volunteer opportunities to include the following:
Are you interested in any of these roles? Select as many as you'd like.
If you are interested in getting involved year round, please indicate the amount of time you are able to commit to
Let us know when you're usually available - this is not a commitment, just so we have an understanding of what works for you.
Additional qualifications such as First Aid, SIA Licence etc

We'd love to know a bit more about you!

Please answer the following as openly as possible, we welcome all volunteers and want to know how best we can support you.
Let us know where you heard about us / if you've been to the festival before!
We're here to facilitate learning opportunities and growth in any way we can - let us know your goals.
What do you like to do in your free time? How would your friends describe you? This years theme is Leith's Got Talent - have you got any hidden talents?!
Use this space if you have any additional comments you'd like to make before submitting your application.