Pageant Registration

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Pageant Registration Form

Please complete this form by May 10th 2025

We are excited to announce the 2025 Pageant theme is…

Leith's Got Talent

You are free to interpret this however suits you - maybe you want to show off your own talents, or perhaps you would like to celebrate a famous Leither.

We can't wait to see what you come up with!

The Pageant route for 2025 has still to be confirmed, but we have plans to make big changes to this event in 2025, so watch this space

Date: 22-06-2025

Start Time: TBC

Arrive at Malmaison: TBC

Tattoo participation: TBC

End of event: TBC

We encourage all groups taking part in the pageant to dress up and to decorate cargo bikes, trailers, buggies etc.

The award for best-dressed entry returns in 2025 & will be announced at the Community Tattoo, so get creative!

Organisation Details

Contact Person's Name
Please provide an estimate of how many people will be in your group. An approximate number is fine for now, we may ask you to confirm the actual number closer to the date.

While Leith Festival recruits volunteers to accompany the pageant each year, this year we are also asking each group to provide a named steward. This is a person who will accompany the group and help to ensure that they keep within the area of road assigned to the pageant, and generally keep an eye on whether a gap opens in front of or behind the group, and notify a Leith Festival volunteer who can then contact the lead group to adjust their pace accordingly.

We recommend the named steward is someone who will not be leading or participating in activities during the pageant (e.g. if you are a band the steward should not be someone playing an instrument, or if you are a dance group the steward should not be performing/directing the dancers). We ask that the named Steward be available for a briefing in the week before the event.

Will the lead steward be the named person above?

Social Media Details (optional)

This will allow us to tag you in promotional posts relating to the pageant.